The World Day Against Child Labour is organized at 12th June every year. This important day concerns not only undeveloped countries but also developed ones. Because, today millions of children-workers have to be fighting for theirs’s lives due to heavy working condititons. In order to finish child Labour, The International Labour Organization (ILO) took action in 2002. The organization determined this day for child labour problem in the world.

152 Million Children Are Working in Different Fields

According to ILO data, today, there are more than 152 million children are working in different fields. Although children labours are in every fields in various statues, 70 percent of them are working on farm sector.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) states that one in every 10 children in the world works, and this rate is even higher in Africa and Asia.

73 Million Children Labours Ara Working in Dangerous Conditions

ILO is pointed out that 73 million children in the world face dangerous working conditions or are exposed to labor abuse. Accoring to its’ data child labours count is decreased in this year. But that decline is so slow.

Meaning of World Day Against Child Labour

The meaning of the world day against child labour is so important for the world. Thanks to this day, there are organized different activities for making people more awared about child labour. In this day and week, governments and the important institutions of countries relase reports against child labor and makes children more enjoyed with different activities. This day celebrates all around the world with all citizens of wountries within children, their parents and the goverment authorizeds.

World Day Against Child Labour

What Can People Make For Working Children?

There are too many children who are forced to work for their families. Well, what can people do for them? As the meaning of the World Against Child Labour Day, children labours should not work in childhooh. Because they are so little for taking financial responsibilities for any reason. People can report the related instituon of the government when they witnessed a working child situation. This action may change a child’s life and may rescue him or her from this cruel case.