In IVF medicines can produce precise solutions thanks to new health technologies developing day by day. In this way, the couples who dream of having children can reach their goal. Various methods are being developed for in vitro fertilization and infertility treatments thanks to the healthcare industry that develops day by day. Especially the increase in the number of drugs required for IVF can make the treatment more effective.

Main Drugs Used in IVF Treatment

IVF medicines are usually made up of hormone supplements. Reproduction of reproductive hormones that are missing in the mother or father is carried out thanks to this type of medication. Subcutaneous injections constitute the most common drugs used in the treatment.

Drugs that are easily injected under the skin contain some hormones necessary for reproduction. This type of medication is also very easy to apply. The person receiving medication can inject the drugs himself. All medicines required for IVF should be used if recommended by specialists. The opinion of the physician is very important for such treatments. Already, IVF treatment drugs are sold by prescription.

What are IVF Medicines?
Drug Usage Time in IVF Treatment

Drug Usage Time in IVF Treatment

IVF medicines can have different duration of use. Your specialist should make the right decision in this regard. The average drug treatment takes approximately 10 days. Various hormones need to be supplemented to stimulate the ovaries in the first phase of treatment. Hormone supplements should also be taken from medicines used for IVF treatment. This situation ends with adequate stimulation of the ovaries.

After drug treatment, the next stage of IVF treatment is started. Medicines to be used in IVF treatment can be used by both male and female individuals. If any of the couples need hormone supplements, that person should start drug treatment immediately. Thus, the first step towards having a baby will be taken.