You can find the most useful answers to the question what are the chances of getting pregnant with IVF. IVF treatment is an effective treatment preferred by people with reproductive problems. It is made possible to become pregnant with the steps applied during this treatment. However, it is also possible to experience the situation of not getting pregnant on the first try. The important thing in this process is to take the steps correctly and not lose hope.

What Is IVF and What Are the Chances Getting Pregnant with IVF ?

Expert names can answer the question of what are the chances of getting pregnant with IVF. Before that, it would be useful to talk about what is IVF treatment first. IVF treatment is a treatment that consists of several stages and results in approximately 15 days. During the treatment period, you must follow every step recommended by your doctor.

You may need to use some hormone medications at the initial stage of treatment. In this process, you need to take your medicines completely and regularly. In the later process of treatment, fertilization of the embryo in the laboratory takes place.

After this procedure, the healthy embryo fertilized to the expectant mother is transferred. After embryo transfer, you can do a pregnancy test about 10 – 14 days and find out the result. You should not lose hope even if the first treatment fails in this process.

First Treatment Failure Rate

What is the chances of getting pregnant with IVF question can vary from person to person. In order for the treatment to be successful, the age of the expectant mother and some physical features are also important. Therefore, it will be useful to start the treatment between the ages of 35 and 40 at the latest. As a result of the treatment being performed 4 times, the success rate can be measured as 90%. In some cases, you also have the chance to become pregnant the first time.